Sunday, August 3, 2008

An Apple a Day Keeps Me Connected to the World

So, I am back in the technology world having just received my new MacBook.  If there is one thing I enjoy about the way in which people are attached at the hip to every electronic means of communicating it is the demand it has placed on businesses to provide access to their networks.  What I love most about Sundance is that there is no cost to guests for the use of this service.  You don't need a password to access the WiFi, nor is there an expectation you will purchase something.  Of course most people do during the time they share with us, but if they do not no one is going to give them a "look" or make any comments.  Sundance doesn't care.  

Now I need to get an ethernet cord, which of course I once had and most likely left behind on campus thinking I wouldn't need it again, to try out my connection at home.  How lucky could I be?

If anyone has any Mac secrets you would like to share, let me know.  I am open to learning.  Without a doubt there is so much cool stuff built into all the software which comes loaded on this baby, it will take me years to figure it all out.  Plenty of distractions while I should be studying.  

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