Thursday, September 4, 2008

Law School Day 3

Today I am tired.  After two nights of only about six hours of sleep (which is not how I am at my best) I am a bit hazy.  Not a state one wants to be in when the professor may call on me at any moment.  In recognizing my sleep deprivation, I have not sacrificed eating well.  I figure I need to control as much as I can in the equation which lends itself to my production level.  So, greens and tomatoes cooked with an egg and two pieces of whole wheat toast welcomes me into the morning.  
Already I have come to realize the importance of taking advantage of the moments between classes.  A lot can be accomplished in these 50 minute or longer chunks of time.  If nothing else it offers a wonderful opportunity to review what just happened in class, what was surprising, any questions answered, and those most often left unanswered.  I feel as if I spend more time working on yesterday's assignment (after it was covered in class) than I do on tomorrow's assignment. Being that I know so little, right now, this seems to make sense.

As for now I am balancing work and school fairly well.  It doesn't leave me with much down time, but seems manageable as long as I remain disciplined.  The weekends will offer a bit of relief, although, at least for the first six weeks I anticipate spending a good deal of time in the library on those days, too.  

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday.  All in all it was a great day to turn 35!  I feel like I am exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I was meant to be doing,  

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