Thursday, September 25, 2008

Condom Controversy

After living in Madison for more than four years, I am more than a little confused by the reactions by some of the law school student organizations to the idea of using condoms as part of a fundraiser for clean birth kits for refugee women.  Who knew that condoms, an item which we have all been familiar with since we hit puberty or before, would create so much controversy.  Is everyone in the Law School, but the handful of us conceptualizing this event a virgin?  Condoms do still protect against most sexually transmitted infections and contribute to responsible family planning, right?  Did I cross a thresh-hold into the Twilight Zone when I entered the Law School?

How in the world can we be afraid of condoms and be serious at all about addressing real issues, such as violence against women, HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancy, family planning, child mortality, social welfare programs, and the list continues?  It baffles me.  I didn't know we were still stuck in Fifth Grade health class where the room erupted in giggles when the teachers acknowledged that we have vaginas and penises.  Uh-oh, I just thought those words in my head and typed them on my computer.  Unbelievable!  

I can understand completely if this were an event targeting young children or anyone under the age of 18.  However, we are on a college campus, whose population I am more than confident is using a fair percentage of Madison's condom supply.  (Ooops!  I may have just let the cat out of the bag.)  We should be celebrating the condom.  Thanking its manufacturers and distributors from saving us all from our own and other people's poor choices (uh-hem, mistakes) every day. 

So, I remain pro-condom, sitting in a state of confusion wondering how I came to be so unlike those surrounding me.   

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