Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Three Down and One to Go

Just finished my Tort final.  We were given four hours to complete it, but I only needed three and a bit to get it done.  I was a bit worried about Torts going into it because in reviewing yesterday I realized how much we actually talked about in the course of the semester.  Torts has been a bit deceptive in this regard.  It often felt as if we were continually coming at the same material from a different direction, but I don't think I recognized how much content there was in the myriad of approaches.  Torts, torts, torts.  

Friday I have my last exam -- Civil Procedure I.  I am feeling a little anxious about this exam only because I believe I have the ability to get a good grade in this class and the exam is the hit or miss point.  Thankfully, this is the only class in which I had a mid-term exam and there is no expectation it will look much different.  I did ok on the Mid-term and know the ways in which I can do even better this time around. 

And then the semester will be over.  Who knew.  For some reason I have a feeling that second semester is going to be more demanding.  We aren't newbies anymore, so our profs can expect more, in addition to the fact that some of our course work is just going to be more challenging.  

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