Friday, February 11, 2011

2011 Recipient of the Cari Sietstra Award for Excellence in Organizing

I was surprised and honored at last nights Wisconsin Law Students for Reproductive Justice meeting to learn I had been chosen as the 2011 recipient of the Cari Sietstra Award for Excellence in Organizing.  This award is given in honor of the founder of LSRJ to a member or chapter who has demonstrated excellence in campus organizing in the last three semesters.  Considering the amazing women (primarily) I have met through my participation in LSRJ, I am deeply humbled to receive this award amongst the members of more than 80 chapters around the country.  [Watch the above video of Sabrina's presentation if you want to hear more.]

Upon entering law school there was only one remaining active member of the Wisconsin LSRJ Chapter, but Margaret's commitment shown bright and she successfully pulled Audrey, Chris, Kristy and myself into the fold.  That year we worked with the Village Health Project to sponsor the Condom Casino raising funds to support clean birthing kits in refugee campus and hygiene products for girls in Uganda (to keep them in school through menstration cycles).  We also put on what had been a controversial Sex Toys program during the Spring 2008 semester, tabled about the importance of access to birth control, sold handmade soaps and put together a booth for the Sexual Health Fair in April on Library Mall.  What a great beginning!

I was elected President of the Wisconsin Chapter in April of 2009 and stayed in that role until December 2010.  Over the course of that year and a half, we have successfully tripled the active members of the organization and established a path for chapter longevity at Wisconsin.  Last year we put on our first Sex Trivia Night at Plan B raising money for the new Planned Parenthood health clinic in Madison and hosted programs on: eugenics and rhetoric, current legislative state of Roe and access to family planning services, faith and reproductive justice and how these issues can be part of a legal career.  Susie orchestrated a week of activities around National Back Up Your Birth Control Week that resulted in the chapter winning the Campus Challenge -- a $250 prize and recognition on the NARAL Pro-Choice New York website.  Our final event of the year was a booth at the All-Campus Party creating a photo campaign of messages about sexual assault (April is Sexual Assault Awareness month), button making and our usual distribution of condoms and candy.

Over the past two years we also established coalitions with the Dane County Coalition for Women's Health, Wisconsin's Reproductive Coalition for Reproductive Choice, the Wisconsin Women's Network, as well as campus organizations like Medical Students for Choice, the International Socialist Organization, and Advocates for Choice.  Working in partnership with local organizations -- Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health -- has allowed us to put our advocacy skills to practice on campaigns for comprehensive sex education in Wisconsin and access to abortion services in Wisconsin.    

My efforts this year poured primarily into planning of the 2011 LSRJ Midwest Regional Conference, "Reproductive Justice Through the Looking Glass: Moving from Issues to Solutions," held January 29th at the University of Wisconsin Law School.  Thanks to our wonderful speakers and the overwhelming support of the Wisconsin LSRJ Chapter this event was a GIGANTIC success!  We were so thrilled to have so many guests from our Regional LSRJ Chapters with us.

Currently I am a semi-finalist for the Reproductive Justice Fellowship sponsored by LSRJ.  Should I receive this fellowship I will be placed in an organization in Washington, DC that works on reproductive justice policy.  I should know within the next few weeks whether or not this will become a reality for me.

LSRJ has been a significant part of my law school experience, and I am ever grateful for the practitioners who have invited me into their work spaces to help me learn and grow as an RJ advocate, policy maker and future lawyer.  I remain committed to using my legal education to advance the position of women and children throughout the world.

Thanks, LSRJ for helping me get a step closer!

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