Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pass with a Purpose

UW law students have even more to be thankful this year, as the Public Interest Law Foundation sponsors "Pass with a Purpose."  This program provides the opportunity to "pass" in class when a professor calls on you by offering up a non-perishable food item for one of the local food pantries.  It's been amusing all morning to sit in Torts and watch everyone "passing" away their opportunities to engage with today's material.  In one particular situation, a student responded, "I have food, but can I guess anyway?"  As if the professor is going to stop her from facing the potential embarrassment of classroom grilling.  (Not that it is all that embarrassing or anywhere near as horrid as people make it out to be.)

What I appreciate most about today's Pass with Professor Palay is his genuine support of this program.  First, he announced it in class at the end of last week to remind us all it would be happening.  And today, he brought in his own bag full of non-perishable items.  Every time he called on someone to answer a question, he also donated something to the mix.  It would be easy for professors to agree to allow this to happen in their classes without embracing the purpose behind the program.  It makes for a much more entertaining and engaging experience to have the professor acting as a facilitator of the program itself.  

And the absolutely best part of this program is knowing lots of people brought in lots of food which they are not going to need in class this morning, but will end up in the donation boxes.  Getting out of public grilling is great motivation for law student to give unto others and it's fabulous to see this exploited!

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