Thursday, November 13, 2008

When the Sun Falls Out of the Sky

I have been thinking a lot about my friend Kristina the past few days.  Her significant other was hit by a car while riding a bicycle.  Not only do I think about how horrible it must be for her to sit in a hospital feeling helpless as she watches someone she loves struggle with survival (Thankfully things are looking positive and there is lots of reasons for hope for a full recovery.), but I also contemplate the potential long-term impacts of a moment in time.    

Kristina and I met in graduate school, and thankfully grew into forever friends.   It would be impossible for me to express how much I value her.  She's one of those rare individuals with whom I feel completely at home.  She's full of life and always up for an adventure.  Most importantly, Kristina, gives of herself constantly -- to friends, family, humanity in general.  It's just who she is.

Needless to say, when good things happen to Kristina, I do a giant happy dance.  She deserves all the happiness in the world, but of course, the world rarely functions accordingly.  It's been pretty exciting for me to know she shares her life with someone who seems to compliment her so well.  It's such a rare gift that when it's found it should be nurtured and cherished.  So upon hearing the news of her significant other's accident, I was more than a little shaken.  It only took one moment in time for uncertainty to strike.  

At this point, we do not know how long recovery from this accident will take or what recovery will even mean.  Yes, there is a lot of hope and that in itself is a reason for joyous celebration.  But it seems apparent to me that a shift has occurred from which there is no return.  This is not inherently a negative, it's just reminds me that we are not in control regardless of how much we try to be.  

Thankfully, Kristina is strong and she will find a way to find herself through all of this with the grace only she possesses.  

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